This project was done in collaboration with:
Norah Dick
Victoria Fraser
Glenn Mahaney
Victoria Fraser
Glenn Mahaney
In this project, I was in charge of updating and maintaining unified Style Sheets and Master Pages across the group to keep the typographical identity of the Magazine cohesive.

My Contribution to the Project
This was a collaborative project where we had to come up with a magazine from scratch. I had the role of editor and was in charge of standardizing master pages, style sheets, and proofreading my peer's work. I also assisted with the design of the cover and collaborated with the masthead's design.
This project took place at the start of Covid, so we all had to quickly adapt to working collaboratively and remotely. We were all working on different platforms which added an extra layer of complexity to what fonts we could use.
This project took place at the start of Covid, so we all had to quickly adapt to working collaboratively and remotely. We were all working on different platforms which added an extra layer of complexity to what fonts we could use.

Bite & Board: Cover

Bite & Board: My Feature Article

Bite & Board: My Feature Article

My Department Article

My Cover Concepts

Full Magazine